In this episode of the Innovative Payments Association Podcast, we present highlights from our members-only publications and cover industry developments, federal regulation, state legislation, and more. Among the topics we cover are bill that seek to update California laws in the wake of the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018. Two bills seek to make changes based on the provisions or the act. We also talk about what is going on at the CFPB and how pending legislation seeks to change that. We also talk about how American’s feel about their financial situation and why the Fed’s research into this topic is important for financial services providers. Learn more about the IPA’s Lobbying day. Information on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Symposium. The Fed’s study on financial well being can be found here. If you are a current member, make sure you are getting the full value of your membership by subscribing to our podcast, Payments Update Newsletter, and our Government Update Newsletter. Also make sure that you are following our blog, twitter feed, and LinkedIn page for regular intelligence on the industry, regulation and legislation. And make sure that we are getting your company’s news. If you are not member, give this episode a listen, and if you want to stay up to date on the innovative payments world, join today. Comments are closed.
January 2025